Intellectual and literary life
Profile description and usage
Description & Use case
With this profile you will be able to give the date a book or a source was written, its author, its place of publication. It allows you to go further by providing information on the different stages of artistic creation of a source.
Find here the profile description on OntoME.
Hint: This profile is often used in combination with the profiles:
Main classes of this profile
--> Use this class to record objects such as books, which were produced serially.
--> Use this class to record objects such as manuscripts, which were produced as unique objects, with no siblings intended in the course of their production.
--> Indicate that a person has produced a content, such as a letter, a book, a logbook or a journal.
--> Indicate that serially produced source content was published.
Note that a Serially Produced Source is linked to a Source Content Publication Event, while a Unique Source Object is related to an Event of creation.
Most common use cases
Writing: Source Content Creation
Use the class 'Source Content Creation' to indicate the period of writing/production of a piece of literature or other intellectual work.
1) Source Content Creation with Unique Source Objects
New fields appear in the specific fields section of your Unique Source Object. Select: "was created" and add an expression creation to your Unique Source Object.
You can now fill in information about:
the date it was created --> "has a time-span",
the person who created it --> "carried out by",
the place where it was created --> "took place at",
what was created (e.g. a manuscript) --> "created physical object".
Don't worry here about the fields "has appellation" and "has definition". They are less important in this context.
Learn below when to use the option "created".
2) Other uses of Source Content Creation
You can use the class Source Content Creation for other purposes. For example, if you want to enter the author/creator of a:
chapter in a book,
article that is part of a journal,
entry in a diary,
in this case, you should add a new "Source Content Creation" in the entity section and fill in the option on "created" and select a "section".
The section represents your chapter, article or entry into a diary as described here.
Publishing: Source Content Publication Event
Use the class 'Source Content Publication Event' to indicate the moment a piece of literature or other intellectual work was published or made available to the public.
The Publication event comprises the moment of printing that created a serially produced source. The publication of a print brings virtually into existence its bibliographic reference. This reference serves as the identifying appellation of all copies of this source object.
The class "Source Content Publication Event" allows you to:
add the date on which your Source object was published --> "edit time-span",
add the person or the group who published the Serially Produced Source (such as the publisher, the editor) --> "carried out by",
link the serially produced source (e.g. book) that was published selecting it from a list of all your serially produced source objects --> "created manifestation",
add the person/group that created the source object (e.g. author) --> "published work of",
add the place where your serially produced source was published --> "took place at".
Last updated
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