Community Project Academic Education & Careers
“Academic Education & Careers” is an open and collaborative project by the Geovistory community devoted to the history of science and Universities.
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“Academic Education & Careers” is an open and collaborative project by the Geovistory community devoted to the history of science and Universities.
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“Academic Education & Careers” is an open and collaborative project by the Geovistory community devoted to the history of science and Universities. All Geovistory Toolbox users can access it.
This project has the purpose to:
Serve as an illustrative example so that you can explore how data can be managed and curated, how data points are interlinked and how they can be again visualized in the analysis section. Learn more about it here.
Grow over time. You are warmly invited to contribute and enrich the project with academia and education related information. Learn more about it here.
Showcase how data we produce can be examined and reused by a larger public via a simple data publication platform. Find it here.
This page explains how you can make use of it and contribute to it. The detailed working procedures are found here.
You might want to do one of the following: Examine one of the professors, for example Otto Diels.
On the personal entity page of Otto Diels, you find different interesting elements:
Information about him, such as: His name, gender and birth, but also his unique Geovistory identifier. This is the small id number on the top (157602).
In the right panel you find information about source references and mentionings of Otto Diels in tables and texts. In this example we find that Otto is linked twice to a table. Furthermore, two websources are linked, his Wikipedia page as well as a page of the University of Kiel. Learn here how to work with sources.
If you click on one of the linked sources, you find for example the entry of Otto Diels’ Wikipedia page:
If you scroll further down in the entity card of Otto Diels, we find information about his academic career:
For example, his work as a professor at University of Kiel is registered as an “embodiment” of the academic chair in Chemistry from 1916 to 1948.
Note: Embodiment is a class used in this specific context to record the information on a specific role that a person has had in her/his lifetime. The classes available in every project are specific to the project’s needs (research agenda). In the Geovistory Toolbox, available classes and their properties are managed in the settings of each project, where you can enable/disable ontological profiles. Find here more information about profiles and how they work.
Out of the stored information, we can produce tables and visualisations. You can for example open the table “0_Personen, Geburten & Professuren”. It displays all persons, their birth data as well as academic chairs they are associated with:
Alternatively, you can visualize maps, such as the pre-configured map “1_Geburtsorte”, which shows all places associated with a birth on an interactive map.
We warmly invite you to contribute and add your own information to this project. Let it grow!
Check out the specific working procedures to get started!
And consult the 5 steps for a brief overview of functionalities.
You might want to:
Add relevant source references in the sources section. Learn here how.
Add scholars and academics of your interest and their biographical information in the entities section. Learn here how.
Add curated tables with information on academics and their lives or relevant transcriptions and notes in the digitals section. Learn here how.
Produce tables and visualizations. Learn here how.
Or simply consult the publicly available data publication website.
Only include information relevant to the topic of Academic Education & Careers. We expect you to work carefully and enter only trustworthy information. This project is a Commons.
You have the responsibility and must make sure that you have the rights to make the entered information publicly available.
It is prohibited to enter discriminating or insulting information in any form.
As this is a community project, the Geovistory Team is not responsible nor liable for the content, but will do its best to contribute to high quality data.